We provide unique services and aspire to meet the needs of each of our client and contribute to their growth and welfare. We consider each client’s personal requirements and attend to them according to their individual capacity and strength.
Latoya Gene is a body focused on the core element of society which is the family. Our children are the products of the family unit, and they are the future. Therefore, we provide counseling for families and children to enable them to thrive in a functional environment at home. Then we follow up all the way to educational counseling and career coaching. Regardless of the other services we render, we strive to coach our children and shape them into better individuals who will impact their society positively.
Developmental therapy
Developmental therapy is a form of counseling that focuses on understanding and addressing the unique developmental needs of individuals at different stages of life.
Educational consulting is a service that helps individuals and families navigate the educational system and make informed decisions about their academic and career paths.
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Lettie Sanchez
Oxygen Customer
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